A fairly basic attack has stolen thousands of accounts across major organizations.
A fairly basic attack has stolen thousands of accounts across major organizations.
Microsoft has reported on a new man-in-the-middle phishing campaign, which targeted over 10,000 organizations in the last year.
If you get an email from your CFO requesting urgent action, what do you do?
We have written ad nauseam about something we call The Static Expressway. This refers to the idea of hackers using legitimate web pages to host or send phishing cont...
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular cloud storage and hosting solutions. From major companies hosting their work on the service, to individuals usin...
A new survey found that threat intelligence is a critical part of an organization's cybersecurity strategy.
Hackers spoof brands all the time. They are usually popular brands, such as Microsoft or Apple.
A new report uncovers a whopper of a statistic. According to a report by Menlo Security, a third of all organizations experience a ransomware attack once a week. Fur...
Panaseer released a cyber insurance trends report, with key insights into the market and into the process and challenges of obtaining cyber insurance.
Check Point Research has released its mid-year cyber attack trends report, and the results are grim.