An Allow List is a simple concept. Essentially, it's a list of addresses or domains that you've deemed safe, and thus emails from those addresses or domains shouldn'...
An Allow List is a simple concept. Essentially, it's a list of addresses or domains that you've deemed safe, and thus emails from those addresses or domains shouldn'...
Oftentimes, you'll receive an email that says to call a number. It can be for anything—refunds, ask questions, etc.
Have you ever seen an email like this come across your inbox?
A post in occasional series about the ins and outs of data science, by senior AI researcher Natan Katz. Read the first article here.
Ordering online is easy.
Many countries and cities around the world are instituting a so-called COVID pass. The idea is that an app will show a person’s vaccination status or proof of negati...
Hackers have a long history of trying to obfuscate their true intent. We've written about this extensively, whether it's MetaMorph, SiteCloak, ZeroFont, baseStriker ...
Avanan researchers have discovered a new attack, whereby hackers can use DocuSign to send malicious documents and phishing links
Avanan researchers have uncovered an attack that spoofs an automobile accident report. Here's what it looks like:
A post in occasional series about the ins and outs of data science, by senior AI researcher Natan Katz.