On May 17th, Avanan researchers noticed a spike in phishing emails containing links to a particular subdomain of GameStop.com. GameStop is an American gaming company...
On May 17th, Avanan researchers noticed a spike in phishing emails containing links to a particular subdomain of GameStop.com. GameStop is an American gaming company...
Over the last three days, we have seen over 800 phishing emails sent to 11 different clients that try and leverage language that is normally used by physical or onli...
SEGs that rely on allow or blocklists are playing an ever-increasing catchup game when it comes to catching phishing emails. This phishing campaign shows us the resu...
A .dat file is a generic file that is used in various applications. What's unique about them is that they can only be used by the application that created them. For ...
Because of the rise of invoice related phishing emails, many security vendors have resorted to treating emails with the word “invoice” in the subject/body/attachment...
Attackers are sharing files with suspicious names to users through Dropbox. Because Dropbox is a reputable service, most email security vendors will allow these file...
The software industry is built on subscriptions. You pay for a year, or more, and then when the time comes, you can choose to renew (or not).
Scammers continually utilize and spoof file-sharing services to launch attacks. We've seen this recently with the We Shouldn't Transfer Attack, the Flipping Out Atta...
We all dream of the day that the lotto card finally breaks our way and we can make our way to financial glory.
Many email security vendors are now heavily relying on sender domain reputation as an indicator of phishing. Avanan's research has found that 43.35% of all phishing ...