User Interaction Dashboard

The User Interaction Dashboard provides an overview of the most common day-to-day tasks performed in Avanan:

  • Handling Quarantine Restore Requests
  • Handling Phishing emails reported by end users

For more information on how to handle these tasks, see User Reported Phishing.

To access the User Interaction Dashboard, go to User Interaction > Dashboard.

The User Interaction Dashboard has these widgets:

Widget Name Description
Reported Phishing

Shows the number of phishing emails reported by end users.

  • Pending - Shows the number of open reports that are not yet handled by help desk.
  • Processed - Shows the number of reports that are handled by help desk.
    • Quarantined - Shows the number of emails quarantined by help desk from the user reported phishing emails.
    • Dismissed - Shows the number of emails dismissed by help desk from the user reported phishing emails.
Restore Requests

Shows the number of quarantine restore requests received from the end users.

  • Pending - Shows the number of open requests that are not yet handled by help desk.
  • Processed - Shows the number of restore requests that are handled by help desk.
    • Approved - Shows the number of requested emails that are released from quarantine, either by help desk or by an end user.
    • Dismissed - Shows the number of requests that are rejected by help desk.
    • Released by user - Shows the number of quarantined emails released by the end users themselves.
      Note - This is possible only if you configured the workflow in the policy to allow the end user to restore the email. See Threat Detection Policy workflow.
    • Released by Admin - Shows the number of requested emails that are released from quarantine by help desk.
SLA Trend

Shows the SLA trend line for the amount of time it took for the help desk to handle requests/reports on a daily basis.

  • The chart includes a SLA line, meant to mark the required SLA in your organization, so that you can easily see if you meet your SLA or not.
  • The default value for the SLA is 30 minutes. To configure it, click the settings icon at the top of the dashboard window.
User Trend

Shows the trend line of different requests/reports and how they are handled.

User Events

Shows the list of recent requests reported by the end users.

Top Users

Shows the list of top requesting/reporting users in your organization.


Extending the Time Frame of the Analytics

By default, the User Interaction Dashboard shows analytics for the last day.

To view analytics for extended time periods, select a time frame from the top of the dashboard.
